Arrowhead collections and ristras

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Arrowhead collections for wall display, and ristras (hanging ornamental clusters).

Hand-chipped stone arrowheads are mounted in a wooden frame suitable for wall display.
Mexican, but not necessarily connected with any indigenous tribe.
Recess in rear of arrowheads collections allows hanging on nail or screw (flat-head suggested).

Clay-pot ristra. Individual pots are nearly 2.5 in
Clay-pot ristra. Individual pots are
nearly 2.5 inches wide and 2.5 inches
high, strung with natural-fiber cord.
The pots lack rain holes and therefore
may be unsuitable for certain plants
or potting mixes. Pots are clay, but
also painted; direct exposure to full
outdoor weather may be inadvisable.
Not for food use.
Magnified view of ristra. Because these ristras ar
Magnified view of ristra. Because these
ristras are hand-crafted, the one you
receive may differ slightly from the
one shown.
Stone arrowhead collection, Hand-chipped. Overall
Stone arrowhead collection, Hand-chipped.
Overall dimensions are approximately
13 by 93/8 inches.
Stone arrowhead collection, Hand-chipped. Overall
Stone arrowhead collection, Hand-chipped.
Overall dimensions are approximately
13 by 93/8 inches.
Stone arrowhead collection, Hand-chipped. Overall
Stone arrowhead collection, Hand-chipped.
Overall dimensions are approximately
13 by 93/8 inches.
Stone arrowhead collection, Hand-chipped. Overall
Stone arrowhead collection, Hand-chipped.
Overall dimensions are approximately
12 by 8 inches.
Stone arrowhead collection, Hand-chipped. Overall
Stone arrowhead collection, Hand-chipped.
Overall dimensions are approximately
12 by 8 inches.
Stone arrowhead collection, Hand-chipped. Overall
Stone arrowhead collection, Hand-chipped.
Overall dimensions are approximately
12 by 8 inches.
Stone arrowhead collection, Hand-chipped. Overall
Stone arrowhead collection, Hand-chipped.
Overall dimensions are approximately
73/4 by 43/4
Stone arrowhead collection, Hand-chipped. Overall
Stone arrowhead collection, Hand-chipped.
Overall dimensions are approximately
73/4 by 43/4
Stone arrowhead collection, Hand-chipped.  Overall
Stone arrowhead collection, Hand-chipped.
Overall dimensions are approximately
73/4 by 43/4